November 18 - 19, 2021
TestJS Summit
TestJS Summit 2021

Test JavaScript. Test with JavaScript.

TestJS Summit is getting back in 2023 in hybrid format with the first in-person day streamed from the Berlin venue including hybrid networking features and interactive entertainment; and second day, as well as the numerous free workshops, streamed to the global audience online. TestJS Summit is event for QAs and software developers to get up to date with JS testing best practices, sharpen skills and get latest updates from top products core teams. Get a full ticket to participate in workshops, and network with others JS testing folks on December 7-11, 2023.

111 min
JS Security Testing Automation for Developers on Every Build
As a developer, you need to deliver fast, and you simply don't have the time to constantly think about security. Still, if something goes wrong it's your job to fix it, but security testing blocks your automation, creates bottlenecks and just delays releases...but it doesn't have to...

NeuraLegion's developer-first Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) scanner enables developers to detect, prioritise and remediate security issues EARLY, on every commit, with NO false positives/alerts, without slowing you down.

Join this workshop to learn different ways developers can access Nexploit & start scanning without leaving the terminal!

We will be going through the set up end-to-end, whilst setting up a pipeline, running security tests and looking at the results.

Table of contents:
- What developer-first DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) actually is and how it works
- See where and how a modern, accurate dev-first DAST fits in the CI/CD
- Integrate NeuraLegion's Nexploit scanner with GitHub Actions
- Understand how modern applications, APIs and authentication mechanisms can be tested
- Fork a repo, set up a pipeline, run security tests and look at the results
146 min
Live e2e test debugging for a distributed serverless application
In this workshop, we will be building a testing environment for a pre-built application, then we will write and automate end-to-end tests for our serverless application. And in the final step, we will demonstrate how easy it is to understand the root cause of an erroneous test using distributed testing and how to debug it in our CI/CD pipeline with Thundra Foresight.

Table of contents:
- How to set up and test your cloud infrastructure
- How to write and automate end-to-end tests for your serverless workloads
- How to debug, trace, and troubleshot test failures with Thundra Foresight in your CI/CD pipelines
47 min
How to Exploit Real World Vulnerabilities
This workshop will lead you through installing and exploiting a number of intentionally vulnerable applications. The applications will use real-world packages with know vulnerabilities, including:

- Directory traversal
- Regular expression denial of service (ReDoS)
- Cross site scripting (XSS)
- Remote code execution (RCE)
- Arbitrary file overwrite (Zip Slip)
- These exploits exist in a number of applications, most of which you will need to install either locally or on a cloud instance.

You can do this workshop in 2 different flavours:

- Using the prepared Docker images OR
- Install everything on your local machine.
85 min
Automated accessibility testing with jest-axe and Lighthouse CI
Do your automated tests include a11y checks? This workshop will cover how to get started with jest-axe to detect code-based accessibility violations, and Lighthouse CI to validate the accessibility of fully rendered pages. No amount of automated tests can replace manual accessibility testing, but these checks will make sure that your manual testers aren't doing more work than they need to.
105 min
Learn to defend by learning the hacker mindset
The Application Security Training is a 3 Hour training. This Training is intended for those who are interested in making a career in the Information Security domain. This training involves real world scenarios that every Security Professional must be well versed with. It involves decompiling, real-time analyzing and testing of the applications from a security standpoint.

This training covers understanding the internals of web and mobile web applications, Real-time testing of web applications and android applications and a strategic approach to analyze applications for OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities (Web) security issues such as Injections, Cross Site Scripting (XSS), CSRF Attacks, Insecure API’s, Insecure logging, Insecure communication, Insufficient cryptography, Insecure authentication and Poor code quality and many more.
114 min
Flaky Test Management with Cypress
This workshop is for Cypress users who want to step up their game against flake in their test suites. Leveraging the Cypress Real World App, we’ll cover the most common causes of flake, code through some examples of how to make tests more flake resistant, and review best practices for detecting and mitigating flake to increase confidence and reliability.

Table of contents:
- Cypress Real World App Overview
- What is Flake?
- Causes of Flake
- Managing Network-related Flake (Activity)
- Managing Dom-relate Flake (Activity)
- Flake Detection and Mitigation Best Practices
- Q&A